Although we specialise in workspace design, we took the opportunity to visit this year’s Sleep & Eat exhibition in Olympia London.
Taking inspiration from the Sleep & Eat sets that not only showcased amazing design, but also gave an interesting insight as to how we as individuals act in different environments, suggesting that there are no two users the same. The functionality of these spaces was created to suit the needs and mood of everyone.
Can a hotel and an office environment be the same space? Interestingly, after sitting in one of the many conferences held at the event: “A Holistic Answer to Urban Living”, we may argue that yes, they can be the same space. Based on preference, some people prefer to work at home rather than their office and vice versa. It all comes down to where is most comfortable for you. But why would it be any different in a hotel? Regardless of working at home or in an office, environments are merging in the sense that we can work anywhere where we’re comfortable.
Leisure and commercial design are beginning to show similarities because of how we as people feel, act, want and need. The response is determined by the 6 senses. Therefore, our job is to think about the emotional, physical, psychological and sociological aspects through design, to accommodate for every user in the space.
Exhibitors this year gave Olympia a brilliant buzz, displaying a wide variety of products and services that aid us in creating the perfect design.